Peter Goldscheider

Dr. Peter Goldscheider, Ph.D., is a Managing Partner at European Privatization and Investment Corporation. Goldscheider is also the Managing Partner at European Privatization and Investment Corp., Investment Arm. He was co-founder of the Invision Private Equity AG. Before jointly establishing the European Privatization and Investment Corporation, Goldscheider was Vice President for Marketing and Sales as well as Member of the Board of Zürich Kosmos Insurance Company. He began his professional career at IBM, serving in a number of executive positions. His professional activities include serving as Chairman of the Board of EPIC (Advisors) Russia Ltd. and I. EPIC Holding, as President of the Board of KINTO Investments & Securities, and a Member of the Advisory Board of Invision Private Equity AG. Goldscheider has served as Member of Advisory Board of Mach Corporate VC Fond, as Director of Rivada Networks, as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Ukrtelecom, as Member of Supervisory Board of Ukrtelecom, as board member of Invision Private Equity AG. He is the recipient of the Golden Order of Merit of the City of Vienna.


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